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The Dedicated Service has been set up in partnership with the NHS to provide ongoing support to the bereaved and survivors.

We have worked closely with the bereaved and survivors to design the service to ensure it meets their needs, now and in the future, and we will continue to do so.

A Steering Group, made up of representatives of the bereaved and survivors, has been established to ensure that they continue to shape the service. There are also regular forums which people can attend to ask questions or give feedback, and regular engagement with families to get their feedback on services.

The Dedicated Service
The Dedicated Service

The Dedicated Service was launched in July 2019 and offers bereaved and survivor families:

  • a named first point of contact for their key concerns and questions

  • support from partners including education, housing, health and Victim Support services

  • an education specialist to help children and young people get the support they need and to help them achieve their potential.

Getting in Contact

The service is currently operating from the site of the Friends and Family Assistance Centre;

17 Old Court Place, London W8 4PL

For more information email:

If you a bereaved family member or survivor and would like to access further information about your service, please click below to login.

Do you want to help shape the way this website looks? Get in touch:

Contact Us

0207 938 8629

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